Red Galaxy Tiger Shrimp (Red Nanashi)
The Red Galaxy Tiger Shrimp, also known as Red Nanashi, is a stunning and highly sought-after Caridina shrimp variety. This shrimp is characterized by its deep red coloration, galaxy-like speckles, and distinctive tiger-like stripes on its body. Its bold and intricate patterns, combined with its rich red hue, make it a standout addition to any shrimp keeper’s tank. Red Nanashi shrimp are the product of meticulous selective breeding and are especially prized by advanced shrimp enthusiasts.
These shrimp require stable, soft, and slightly acidic water conditions to thrive. The ideal pH range is 5.8 to 6.4, with a general hardness (GH) of 4-6 and carbonate hardness (KH) close to 0. The temperature should be maintained between 68°F and 74°F (20°C to 23°C). A well-established, heavily planted tank with moss, leaf litter, and driftwood provides the perfect environment, promoting biofilm growth and offering natural hiding spots. A soft substrate mimics their natural habitat and allows them to forage comfortably.
Diet is a critical component of their care, and they thrive on high-quality shrimp-specific food enriched with minerals, as well as occasional blanched vegetables and protein-based treats. Maintaining pristine water quality is essential, as Red Galaxy Tiger Shrimp are sensitive to changes in water parameters. They are best housed in species-specific tanks or with other peaceful Caridina shrimp to reduce stress and competition. Due to their sensitivity and specific care needs, these shrimp are recommended for advanced keepers.
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