Black Galaxy Tiger Shrimp
The Black Galaxy Tiger Shrimp, also known as Black Nanashi, is an exquisite Caridina variety renowned for its striking jet-black body adorned with galaxy-like speckles and distinctive tiger-like stripes. These shrimp are a result of selective breeding and are highly prized for their dramatic and intricate patterns. Their dark coloration provides a stunning contrast to the light speckles and stripes, making them a favorite among advanced shrimp keepers.
To thrive, Black Galaxy Tiger Shrimp require soft, slightly acidic water with consistent and stable parameters. The ideal pH range is 5.8 to 6.4, general hardness (GH) of 4-6, and carbonate hardness (KH) close to 0. They prefer a temperature range of 68°F to 74°F (20°C to 23°C). A heavily planted aquarium with moss, leaf litter, and driftwood provides an ideal environment, promoting biofilm growth for grazing and offering hiding spots for comfort. A soft substrate further mimics their natural habitat and supports natural behaviors.
Their diet should consist of high-quality shrimp-specific food, enriched with essential minerals to support coloration and overall health. Occasional blanched vegetables and protein-based supplements are beneficial for balanced nutrition. Maintaining pristine water quality is critical, as these shrimp are highly sensitive to poor water conditions and parameter fluctuations. Black Galaxy Tiger Shrimp are best housed in species-specific tanks or with other peaceful Caridina varieties to minimize stress. These shrimp are recommended for experienced keepers due to their sensitivity and specific care needs.
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