Red Boa Shrimp S-SS
The Red Boa Shrimp, (S-SS grade) is a captivating Caridina variety, is a premium and rare shrimp known for its vivid red coloration combined with intricate marbled patterns resembling a snake’s skin. The combination of deep red hues and detailed white or light-colored markings creates a mesmerizing appearance that shrimp enthusiasts find irresistible. This shrimp is a result of highly selective breeding and is considered one of the most beautiful and sought-after shrimp in the hobby.
Red Boa Shrimp require stable and pristine water conditions to thrive. Their ideal environment includes a pH of 5.5 to 6.2, a general hardness (GH) of 4-6, and a carbonate hardness (KH) close to 0 to maintain the slightly acidic and soft water they need. Temperatures should be kept between 68°F and 72°F (20°C to 22°C) to prevent stress and health issues. A planted aquarium with low lighting and soft substrates provides an ideal habitat. The plants and moss encourage biofilm growth, which forms an essential part of their diet.
Feeding Red Boa Shrimp involves providing a high-quality, well-balanced diet, including shrimp-specific food rich in minerals, occasional blanched vegetables, and protein supplements to support growth and vibrant coloration. Due to their sensitivity, they are best kept in species-only tanks or with other peaceful Caridina varieties. Red Boa Shrimp are recommended for advanced shrimp keepers due to their need for stable parameters and careful maintenance.
Parameter List:
- pH: 5.5 to 6.2
- General Hardness (GH): 4-6
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): Close to 0
- Temperature: 68°F to 72°F (20°C to 22°C)
- Ammonia (NH3/NH4): 0 ppm
- Nitrite (NO2): 0 ppm
- Nitrate (NO3): Below 5 ppm
- TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): 100-130 ppm
- Tank Setup: Low lighting, soft substrate, planted with moss or plants for biofilm
- Filtration: High-quality, stable filtration system
- Diet: High-quality shrimp-specific food, mineral supplements, blanched vegetables, and occasional protein-based treats
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